Il tema Quarta rivoluzione industriale

Governo Italiano

Studio X commissione attività produttive


Dal Mondo

OECD - The next production revolution

Accenture Technology Vision 2015 - L'era del Digital Business: ampliare i confini aziendali

Roland Berger - Industry 4.0 - The new industrial revolution. How Europe will succeed

Roland Berger - The Digital transformation of industry. How important is it? Who are the winners? What must be done now?

World Economic Forum - Industrial Internet of Things: Unleashing the Potential of Connected Products and Services

World Economic Forum - The Future of Jobs


I Governi dei Paesi Industrializzati


Comunità europea

Overview of Digital Manufacturing. Initiatives across Europe

Comunicazione della Commissione al Parlamento Europeo 



Plan d'action commun

Digitization fo Industrie - Plattform Industrie 4.0

Industrie 4.0 - Innovationen fur die Production von morgen

Acatech Studie 

Umsetzungsemplfelhlungen fur das Zukunftsprojekt Industrie 4.0

Zukunftsbild , Industrie 4.0



Industrie du futur - Reunir la Nouvelle France Industrielle

Industry of the future - Rallying the New Face of Industry in France


Gran Bretagna

Strengthening UK manufacturing supply chains. An action plan for government and industry


Stati Uniti d'America

Report to the President. Accelerating U.S. Advanced Manufacturing

Advanced Manufacturing: a snapshot of priority technology Area across the Federal Government

Report to the President on ensuring american leadership in advanced manufacturing

National Network for manufacturing innovation program strategic plan



Japan's Economic Revitalization

Japan's Robot Strategy

Summary of Japan's Robot Strategy